Vestido Brilhante Com Fenda No Quadril Para Mim

Vestido Brilhante Com Fenda No Quadril Para Mim Precio: $197.6
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Obrigado por sua confiança e apoio! Garantia: 30 dias Todos os nossos produtos têm garantia, basta considerar o seguinte: Mantenha a embalagem e os componentes em boas condições, bem como o comprovante de compra. Nota: só se aplica por padrão de fábrica. Nota: ao fazer a compra, você deve escolher a cor, o modelo e a quantidade do item desejado, pois nenhuma alteração é feita após a confirmação da compra.# when your payment reaches 299 pesos, the system will automatically waive your shipping costs. Enter the zip code in "calculate when it arrives" below the price, and the system will calculate the shipping cost and the estimated time of arrival. (this is just a reference time)Important notePlease do not open the free market for claims and mediation.They will not solve your problem effectively and you will spend a lot of time waiting for them to take care of the problem.We are the seller of the product, please contact us directly through the order, we will quickly help you solve the problem within 24 hours.Thank you for your trust and support!Warranty:30 daysAll our product has a guarantee, it is only requested to consider the following:Keep packaging and components in good condition, as well as proof of purchase.Note: it only applies by factory default.Steps for a successful purchase1. When you find the product you need, select it and the description and images of the item will be displayed. On the right side you will find the price and the forms of payment by credit or debit card.2. If the product has convinced you, you must choose its details, such as the model, color and quantity. Once you have selected this data, add it to the cart (add model/color and quantity one by one to the cart); If it is your only option, select buy now.Note: when making the purchase you must choose the color, model and quantity of the item you want since no changes are made once the purchase is confirmed.Yes we invoice!Prices with VATIf you require an invoice, follow the following step:1. In the shopping section, go to the messages with us and request your invoice, send us your data and that's it, we'll attach it to you and notify you.Important:If you have any questions or problems with the product, you can contact us in a message in the detail of your purchase to give you a brief solution.?Your opinion is important to us!Leave us a comment and rating in your purchase detail of how you found our product and service. We appreciate the trust placed in our brand.Solve all your doubts in the questions section, we are here to serve you.