Antiga Partitura Clavecin Bach Schott Freres Original

Antiga Partitura Clavecin Bach Schott Freres Original Precio: $100
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Antiga partitura original e completa com 16 páginas. A mesma foi vendida na Europa por 39 euros. Ninguém sabe dizer ao certo a data da impressão deste documento. Porém o documento foi impresso Na Bélgica e revendido na loja Schott freres em Paris. Segundo pesquisa prévia esta loja funcionou na época descrita no texto abaixo. Tenho milhares De partituras antigas a maioria de pianos. Consulte, posso ter aqui está faltando em sua coleção. — Schott frères was one of several European music publishing firms bearing the name Schott, all of which were originally subsidiaries of B. Schott's Söhne, including locations in Paris (1826–9, 1861–92), London (from 1835), and Sydney (1885–9). Of these, only Schott frères operated independently from the German parent company from 1889 to 2006. However, they always had their own publishing programmes, operating with a large degree of commercial independence, and ensuring the distribution of works from the other locations.Peter ("Pierre") Schott (1857–1894) inherited the publishing business of Brussels and Paris while a minor. On 5 April 1879, two granddaughters of Bernhard Schott who had been managing the Brussels and Paris houses, created the brand name "Schott frère oiP4garpartituras