DIVUS JULIUS CAESAR (& OCTAVIAN) AE 'half' heavy dupondius. Prow of Galley on reverse. Struck at Colonia Viennensis, 36 BC. Caesar portraitOCTAVIAN & DIVUS JULIUS CAESAR AE heavy dupondius. Struck in GAUL, at Colonia Viennensis, circa 36 BC. IMP CAESAR (written above and below portraits) IMP DIVI F DIVI IVLI, (written counterclockwise along edge). Bare heads of Julius Caesar and Octavian back to back (Caesar on left). Reverse - Prow of galley with pyramidal superstructure right. RPC I 517. 29x17mm, 9.9g. Rare.Halved, presumably for change as was the custom.