DescriçãoObs: Xbox 360 precisa estar com desbloqueio Rgh!!!Para Identificar o desbloqueio ligar xbox apertando o botão Ejetar cd.vai iniciar se aparecer a tela azul seu xbox e Rgh !!!! Hd e para vc !!!Obs: Hd pode usar externo tb !!!Hd 500 gigas para xbox Rgh com 70 jogos completos mais 3 emuladores com 1200 jogos!!Lista de Jogos 1- Assassins screed Black flag 2 - Assassins screed Rogue3- Alan wakes american nightmare4 Call of Duty Black Ops 5 Alone in the Dark6- Army of Two the devil cartel 7 - Ben 10 Omneverse8 -Blackwalter9 - Bully Scholarship Edition10 - Brazukas 2023 11 - Call of dutty Black ops II 11 - Crush mind over mutant12 - Call of Duty Ghosts13 - Call of Duty 214- Call of duty MW315- Call of Duty 416 - Chopliter Hd 17 - Deadpool18- Dragon Ball xenoverse19 - Dantes Inferno20- Dead Space Ignition21 - Fallout 3 22 - Far Cry 2 23- Farcry 324 Farcry 425- Fifa 1926 - Fifa 202327- Fifa stret28 - Forza Horizon29- Forza horizon 230 - Forza Motor sport 431 -Gta 4 Libert City 32- Gta 533 - Gears of war : judment34- Green Lanterna verde 35- Guitar hero III36- Halo 437 - Hitman : Absolution 38- Injust gods amongus39 - Just Dance 202340 -Call of Duty Black Ops II41-Lego Bataman 342-Lego Jurassik word43- Lego Marvel super heroes44- Midnight club 45- Minecraft 46 Mortal Kombat47- Morta Kombat vs dc universe48 -Moto Gp 1549- Naruto storn 350 - Nascar The game Inside line 51 - Need for Speed Pro Street 52 - Need for speed Undercover53 - Pay Day 254- Pes 201855- Read Dead Redemption56 - Resident Evil 2 Revelations 57- Resident Evil 458- Resident Evil 559- Resident Evil 660- Sonic Generations 61- Spider - Man 262- Super Street Fighter 463 - Sniper Elite 364 - The Amazing Spider man65- Tomb Raider 66- Ufc 3 67 - WatchDogs68 - WWE 2k17Emuladores69 - Emulador super nintendo 100 jogos 70 - Emulador Arcade 100 jogos 71 - Emulador Sega jogos mega drive 1000 jogos