Pedal Catalinbread Rah Jimmy Page Hiwatt (envio Imediato)

Pedal Catalinbread Rah Jimmy Page Hiwatt (envio Imediato) Precio: $970
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In 1970 Led Zeppelin hit the stage of London's historic concert hall, Royal Albert Hall. We love the RAH performance and were inspired by a friend to capture it in a pedal.At this performance Jimmy Page expressed himself masterfully with a broad pallet of tones and GIANT dynamic range. Of course this has a lot to do with Page’s playing technique and Gibson Les Paul. His backline amps, custom Hiwatt heads into Marshall cabinets filled the entire hall with a cornucopia of colors at levels ranging from a mouse whisper to rave ups louder than a jumbo jet taking off only inches over your head.Pedal em perfeito estado, sem marcas de uso. Excelente. Acompanha a caixa original.Também tenho CDs anunciados, LPs, equipamentos e instrumentos musicais, livros, jogos de ps4 etc. Entre no meu perfil do mercado livre para ver! Qualquer dúvida, deixe sua pergunta que irei lhe responder!