TC-5010 MINI RF TEM Cell sem alçaTC-5010 MINI RF TEM Cell sem alçamarca TesconTescom TC-5010B Mini célula tem DC-1Ghz, isolamento de > 70db, 22.5db Factor de conversãoProduct Description The TC-5010 Mini RF TEM Cell is a highly accurate electromagnetic field generation apparatus designed for testing small RF devices such as wireless pagers. With an external signal generator the TC-5010 can produce an accurate TEM test field inside the tem cell. Our unique patented top access method allows adjustments of the DUT from the top of the tem cell without compromising shielding effectiveness.Applications RF Product Development Lab- EMI or EMS testing of small parts andsub-assemblies.- Small receiver sensitivity testing.- Small transmitter power measurement.Pager Production Pager sensitivity testing and adjustment tool, used as an accurate antenna jig.Quality AssurancePager sensitivity test, EMI/EMS tests for small RF devices, DC-DC Converter EMI test. Specifications Freq. Range DC to 1 GHz, usable up to 1.5 GHzVSWR < 1.2, DC to 1GHz,typically 1.1Effective Shielding > 70 dB, typically 80dBThru Loss < 0.2 dB, DC to 1 GHzConversion Factor 13.33 V/m (= 22.5 dBV/m)Dimension 380(W) x 185(D) x190(H)[mm],or 15" x 7 1/4" x 7 1/3".frete poe sua conta.pode ser retirado se for o caso basta colocar a combinar no ato da compra.